Howdy Traders,👋
You have long complained about tax compliance. Its confusing, complicated & boring sometimes. We hear you.
The wait is over!!!🎉 We used the same Kite APIs that you all have grown to love & used them to simplify taxes for Zerodha Traders. 🙂
Here is how all of you can file taxes this season 🚀-
1. 📈 Import Intraday and F&O Trades
Quicko lets you import your trades simply by logging into your favourite brokerages and prepares your ITR on the fly.
Have trades with multiple brokers? Import Trades using Excel utility.
2. 💰Add other Incomes & Review
You can add all your income like Salary by uploading Form 16, house property income, Capital Gains, and income from other sources.
3. 🚀 File your Tax Return Online
E-file your taxes instantly from the comfort of your home. We promise – no more paperwork, no more hurried visits, no more hassle.
Hi @RK07
You can add the previous year brought forward losses under Additional details on Quicko Portal. Once you add there along with the date of filing it will auto-set off the losses against the respective income. You can take these losses from the previous year’s ITR form under the CFL schedule.
Hope this helps
Thank you @Divya_Singhvi. Now I can get the clear picture of my tax liability. However in the audit section it says “Audit Applicable”, so it means I need to reach out auditors and get things done. There is any provision within quicko? Please advise.
Hey @RK07, when tax audit is applicable you need to get your books of accounts audited by a practicing chartered accountant. Quicko is an online tax planning, preparation, and filing platform. In case you wish to get your books of accounts audited, we have a network of chartered accountants that can assist you.
Hello @Nireka ,
Can you tell me when the ITR for AY 2021-2022 will be available on Quicko? Or is it fine to pay directly online by selecting Challan No.300?
Please let me know!
Hi @Nireka, thanks for response. Seems this is more complicated then what I thought
How I can connect with the audit people via quicko? Also, one quick even if I set off F&O loss with savings/FD interest; Audit would be still applicable?