Filing taxes has always been difficult for traders and investors. Well not, if you are an Axis Direct trader or investor, you are at the right place! Axis Direct has partnered with Quicko to simplify taxes for you.
After you log on to Quicko’s Tax Planner, under the Tax P&L tab, you can directly upload your Axis Direct Tax P&L Statement and get started.
Steps to Download Axis Direct Tax P&L Report
- Login to Axis Direct
- Nevigate to Portfolio > Click on Reports > Capital gain and loss statement
- Select ‘Direct Transactions‘ & Select the year for which you want to calculate.
- Click on Go & Download the report
Choose the correct financial year and drop your Tax P&L statement to upload it on the Tax Planner App.
All your trades will be imported, categorized under the right income heads of capital gains or business income as per Income Tax Act along with turnover, P&L, LTCG, and STCG. Moreover, you can view your trades in a tradewise or scripwise manner by selecting your option to view the data. Here’s how the P&L will be classified under the income heads:
Capital Gains Head
Income Head – Capital gain covers gain or loss from the selling of Equity Shares (except intraday transactions), Mutual Funds (MF), Restricted Stock Units (RSU), Equity Traded Funds (ETFs), and Employee Stock Option Plans (ESOPs).
LTCG will be computed by applying grandfathering rule as per section 112A under the following asset types:
- Shares/ESOP/RSU
- MF/ETFs (Equity)
GrandFathering Rule for LTCG
The cost of acquisition to compute the LTCG on the sale of equity shares, equity-oriented MFs & ETFs shall be calculated by using FMV as on 31.01.2018.
Under the Equity segment – ‘Shares/ESOP/RSU’ of the Tax P&L Report, the Buy Price would be computed after considering FMV as on 31.01.2018 and the LTCG will be calculated as a difference in sales value and buy value. While for Mutual Funds, cost is not calculated after considering FMV. However, the FMV would be separately provided for ITR reporting purposes.
Transfer Expenses under Capital gain
The transfer expenses are included in Buy Price and Sell Price under both Equity and Debt segments.
BuyBack & Dividend Transaction
Buyback of shares and Dividend transactions would not be included under the Equity segment in the Tax P&L.
Business Income Head
- Equity Intraday:
- Trading in the stock market on a same-day basis. Thus, it would mean buying and selling on the same day itself
- Intraday Turnover:
- For all intraday transactions, the aggregate or absolute sum of both positive and negative differences from trades is to be considered as a turnover
- Intraday Profit/Loss:
- Gross P&L is generally calculated by summing up sales amount reduced by buy amount
- Net P&L = Gross P&L – Transfer expenses
- Here, Net P&L and Gross P&L shall remain the same as transfer expenses are adjusted in buy and sale values of respective scrips or trading transactions
- Since transfer expenses are adjusted, transfer expenses are disclosed as NIL
- Futures & Options:
- In the Tax P&L report, F&O turnover and P&L is computed by considering the following trade segments:
- Equity Futures & Options
- Commodity Futures & Options
- Currency Futures & Options
- In the Tax P&L report, F&O turnover and P&L is computed by considering the following trade segments:
There are two different methods to calculate turnover for Intraday and Future & Options:
- Scripwise Method: You calculate the turnover by collating all trades on the particular script for the financial year, find the average buy/sell value, and then determine the turnover
- Tradewise Method: You calculate the turnover by summing up the absolute value of profit and loss of every trade done during the year
You can learn more about scripwise and tradewise trading turnover calculation.
- F&O Profit/Loss:
- Gross P&L is generally calculated by summing up sales amount reduced by buy amount
- Net P&L = Gross P&L – Transfer expenses
- Here, Net P&L and Gross P&L shall remain the same as transfer expenses are adjusted in buy and sale values of respective scrips or trading transactions
- Since, transfer expenses are adjusted, transfer expenses are disclosed as NIL
Then, proceed to the ‘Tax Planner‘ tab, where you can enter all of the important information for your case, for income situation & Advance Tax both.
Once you have filled up the necessary information on the ‘Tax Planner’ tab, navigate to ‘Tax Returns’ tab to continue your taxes for the given assessment year. Here, review your tax planning information and click on ‘Prepare ITR‘ to prepare and file your return.
Once you have clicked on ‘Prepare ITR’, you will be redirected to the Tax Filing App on Quicko.
Know the Steps to File ITR on Quicko.
That’s it, taxes are going to be super simple for Axis Direct Traders!
Hi @RK07
You can add the previous year brought forward losses under Additional details on Quicko Portal. Once you add there along with the date of filing it will auto-set off the losses against the respective income. You can take these losses from the previous year’s ITR form under the CFL schedule.
Hope this helps
Thank you @Divya_Singhvi. Now I can get the clear picture of my tax liability. However in the audit section it says “Audit Applicable”, so it means I need to reach out auditors and get things done. There is any provision within quicko? Please advise.
Hey @RK07, when tax audit is applicable you need to get your books of accounts audited by a practicing chartered accountant. Quicko is an online tax planning, preparation, and filing platform. In case you wish to get your books of accounts audited, we have a network of chartered accountants that can assist you.
Hello @Nireka ,
Can you tell me when the ITR for AY 2021-2022 will be available on Quicko? Or is it fine to pay directly online by selecting Challan No.300?
Please let me know!
Hi @Nireka, thanks for response. Seems this is more complicated then what I thought
How I can connect with the audit people via quicko? Also, one quick even if I set off F&O loss with savings/FD interest; Audit would be still applicable?